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Showing posts from May, 2013

May the force be with you DAY 9

Hi guys, The journey continues!! I am actually enjoying myself. What began as a fitness journey so I can breathe better has turned into something more. I have arrived at a point of contentment in my spirit, mind and heart. Simply because I decided to perfect and sculpt the temple, this body, which has been given to me. Your perspective changes so much when you put doing good before so many other things! Last year did not end so well for me and at the beginning of this year these petits demons were still following me but FIYAHHHHH *motions hands effectively* they are now dead to me! Cut off excess baggage and people especially those who will not aid your journey to a better you! I tried to be nice to everyone but some people with their deficiencies don't seem to understand! My friend leave them, ungrateful people will have their portion dealt on a plate for them! However for you: Eating good Thinking good Being good Pays off guys!! I'm learning more and more about myself and I&

MAY the force be with you

Hey!!! Month of May challenge! Now this one will be a quick one!! It's crucial to set yourself goals and targets. You need to have a purpose driven life! You have to be greater today than you were yesterday! Life is to be lived, I'm sure we all have dreams, an idea of the future we want to have. You need to realise that today is a glimpse of your tomorrow. If you're lazy today by tomorrow (your future) you'll be even lazier because you've had "the present and the past" to perfect your laziness! Get the drift! Now you know yourself! I want you to join me this month of change! Arise guys, lets work on something we've wanted to change or work on ourselves for a while now! I have loads to work on, a negative person amongst you may be thinking how much change can occur in 30days! Do anything for 3weeks consistently it becomes a habit! It's not about how much change but it's about being a better you! Measure your progress, however be realistic! For m