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May the force be with you DAY 9

Hi guys,

The journey continues!! I am actually enjoying myself. What began as a fitness journey so I can breathe better has turned into something more.

I have arrived at a point of contentment in my spirit, mind and heart. Simply because I decided to perfect and sculpt the temple, this body, which has been given to me. Your perspective changes so much when you put doing good before so many other things! Last year did not end so well for me and at the beginning of this year these petits demons were still following me but FIYAHHHHH *motions hands effectively* they are now dead to me! Cut off excess baggage and people especially those who will not aid your journey to a better you! I tried to be nice to everyone but some people with their deficiencies don't seem to understand! My friend leave them, ungrateful people will have their portion dealt on a plate for them!

However for you:

Eating good
Thinking good
Being good

Pays off guys!!

I'm learning more and more about myself and I'm continuously investing more and more in myself. How can I change the world I live in if I can't even change myself? You are your biggest assignment! Remember that!

2L water challenge

To consciously be aware that I have to drink 2L of water a day is draining! Funny enough if I was not on a challenge I would have done it with ease, because I don't really drink juice unless it ribena! *wiggles*

I'm tired of the challenge already, I can't even lie. The main reason is the frequent toilet visits! Even in the midst of the struggle it's helped my abs become more defined slowly getting there but unfortunately my abs are camera shy! Still working on them need them to be more cut and defined!! So I did say I'll be working on my abs/core a lot more!! So fingers crossed! Plus skin is clearer and smoooooth!!

Anyways moving on........

To my Yogis out there!!! So I jumped onto the wave... African-yogi in the making!!

So I've never done yoga before, so this is a major challenge!! I'm a beginner but it's amazing what your body can do when you put it to the test! Some one claimed because I used to dance these poses are easy, it's been over 6years so let's not fool ourselves! I'm getting old!

On the left I used the wall to get up, on the right no wall, just confidence!

I don't know the names of these poses but they are pretty cool, held each for about 20-30secs before I fell! It was my first time doing these poses FIRST TIME!
Felt rather proud of myself!!

I'm going to try to take more pics but I'm camera shy!

My physique has changed a lot! If I knew all I had to do to put on weight was to start lifting weights I would have done that ages ago!!! Slim people lifting weights work!! I'm gaining them pounds!!! *jumpsofbridge* I even grew a booty!! *wigglesbum*

I can do 100 squats now...casually.....

2months ago I couldn't even do half a squat! Consistency and discipline are an excellent couple invite them into your lives folks! I've lost my pop belly... I don't need to *tuck'in my belly* furthermore even my spaghetti legs are a lot more toned! Sculpting my body to be at it's best!

On the left a few weeks ago... Pancake bum bum.. *no muscle*
Then middle to right current pics! Oh look ... a lil curve in the derrière and quads are shaping rather well, yet the feminine shape is still there!!

In love with weightlifting!

Ignore the greasy face.. It's my glow!! (Sweat)

Those who know me, know I'm very petite so when they heard I've started lifting weights they just laughed at me. I even laughed at myself!! So slowly but surely getting there!

I'm a bookworm who actually likes school. My time is spent reading Law journals/articles and social science debates! Following international relations and human rights abuses and activism! All this exercise is soooo out of my comfort zone! I read books not lift weights but sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone and explore! Increase your capacity to receive more! At the end of the day DO YOU! Your life your journey it's not a competition with others but with yourself!! Make sure you win!

I didn't start this journey to change my outside appearance that was never the goal. I am very comfortable in my skin and body. I love me. I wanted to work on my internal and by me working on my inside my outside changed as well. I love swimming, especially for my heart and lungs but my legs were really weak whilst I swam and they used to hurt a lot. I only worked on my legs for swimming sake, then slowly you realise other muscles in your body that too need strengthening. Now voilà ... Body changes.

I started my journey on 1st March 2013 and it's only been 2months yet I've seen much progress. I have a hectic schedule; I study full time on a MA degree and I work 6days a week clocking 40hrs a week. I'm always jumping on projects here and there and making money to build my empire! It has even come as a shock to myself how I have been able to manage and find time! I just thank God that there's order in my life because I have understood discipline and prioritisation! I have put structure in my life and things work!! Stepping out of my comfort zone gives me flexibility to adapt quickly especially when things do not go as planned! Know yourself, know your life and transform it so it works!! No excuses!

The road ahead is bright, do something today that your future will be proud of!

Just to add thanks to people who text, call and message me on all these networks you guys are amazing! Straight motivation from left and right!! We are doing well on these journeys! Lets keep them up!!

It's never too late to start a journey!

Thanks for reading!!

Born a legend to leave a legacy.


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