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Showing posts from 2015

Jemzjourney: Iceland

Yes Iceland, the country and not the shop! (For UK shoppers). When I initially decided that I wanted to go Iceland and was looking for people to go with no one would understand why I wanted to go there. Literally everyone kept asking me, "why Iceland? Why do you want to go there? Isn't it just ice?" Clearly the levels of ignorance were high. As cheeky as I am my response was always, "it's not everyday beach and bikini (init)" A lot of the time we go certain places because we know people who have been there and it looks pretty and it just hot and it is repetitive. Honestly I like purposeful holidays, yes rest or getaway being número uno but I like to learn and find out new things. Culture, history and stories maybe because I'm not a party animal or anything like that. I find Museums, sunsets, sunrises and unspoken/underrated territories mentally orgasmic 😂😂😂! Iceland was my second fav hmm maybe fav holiday after Egypt torn between the two. Howe

Love thy self

One thing I've tried to sway my blog away from is the generic conversation of relationships. It is what everyone speaks of. The single, the lonely, the unhappy, the married, the confused souls, the scared, the heartbroken and the divorced ones all speak of it and are experts on it. Let me not even start on the Twitter and Instagram scholars and those who've just received their PhDs in social media memes and let me not forget the Facebook pastors and their holy thou art choir of "relationship goals". iJoke! Please do not take it personal. Point being here is this, everyone has their own opinion and we've all had our own experience. So what may work for you may not necessarily work for me. That brings me to the saying, "before you can love anyone you have to love yourself". Now let's be real, loving ourselves sometimes it's the hardest thing. Sometimes you may look at yourself and feel inadequate. You may look at yourself and want to se

12 things

I've been told I look really young for my age. No one has ever been able to guess my age correctly. It is only after a conversation then they'll guess the age range correctly. Hmm I can't complain, won't change anything! This got me thinking, if I was able to astral project and go back to the past and meet my younger self what would I tell her? I would love to right a lot of wrongs but then I realised a lot of these wrongs have made me wiser and stronger. I'm a big softy, don't be fooled my façade. It is just that life has taught me to be brave, fearless and wise now these things I would not want to lose. Would I loved to have learnt it differently and in a less painful way? Yes, definitely, but sometimes lessons leave scars which serve as reminders of triumphs. Scars show healing, restoration and progression embrace them. Nonetheless if I did meet my younger 18 year old self these are the 11 things I'll tell her. 1) Humble yourself, you don't nee

My Love journey

My love journey I love because I want to love. A conscious effort to love, to stay right and display love from my depths, attempting to truly grasp what unconditional love is all about. I love because I love to love. The thing about my love is that it's MY love. It's not dependant on your actions, speech nor your mood. I love my love. I love because I've matured enough to understand that even if you withdraw yourself from me and chose to not speak to me, even if friendship deteriorate. Even if you change, I cease not to love neither is my love for you weakened. For my love is not dependant on anything you do or say. My love is internal. My love comes from the depths of me, it is my state of being, therefore it cannot be manipulated by exterior factors. My love comes from the deepest wells of my core and it pours through. I decided to share my love that morning I realised that this kind of love is what I needed for myself. This love is for me too. The simplicity of lo

Destination: Dubai

I've been contemplating how to even start this particular blog, like how do I summarise this euphoric place and actually make sense? I don't know, I really don't! I got back since the 2nd week of September and I've been thinking how do I even begin? Where do I even begin? Dubai is amazing! Always find a flag so we know its real! lol That's it, that's all I need to say about it, book a ticket and just go! Honestly this was my favourite holiday to date! There is a million and one things to do here, everyday is not the same. Depending on how deep your pockets are you can also experience the extreme luxury side in its entirety. There's an unspoken of wealth of history and culture That is sometimes neglected and hidden behind the neck-breaking skyscrapers and skylines. However when you dig deeper and find these little gems that tell of stories by expanding your knowledge of this beautiful city! Accommodation I stayed at the 4* Marina Byblo