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Showing posts from April, 2016

Don't work a 9-5!!!

Do you have a 9-5 or thereabouts? Don't you find it a bit annoying when you work hard and do what you need to do but yet people look down on you and say things like, "you should be doing more!" Many of us have worked hard in school, got degrees in the field and amazingly are also working in that field but for some reason if you fall into the working schedule of 9-5 apparently you haven't done much with your life. If your working time falls short of any form of flexibility starting and finishing time or if your day runs on a schedule you're almost frowned upon. You then hear remarks, "I can't do a 9-5" well sorry mate you can't do it because you can't wake up on time. On a serious note, for most their dream has been to be an accountant, do you even know how difficult it is to be chartered? The amount of exams you will need to do just to get where you want to be. Now if I'm chartered and receive a decent pay cheque being where I'v