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Showing posts from May, 2016

JemzJourney: Amsterdam

Destination: Amsterdam Now this will be a very short post, purely because I've been 'Dam before and I really did not feel like a tourist or did much of the tourist-y things this time round! I didn't even take much pictures I just kind of went with the flow! Honestly I just needed a break, a breath of fresh air in a place that's not home! Dam is one of those cities that you just go to have fun and when people ask you what you did you just say, I had fun! No details necessary! Lol if you know then you know! Some activities are not everyone's cup of tea but hey each to their own! Accommodation I flew with British Airways and stayed in Hoofddorp which is very close to Schipol Airport. Normally I like to stay city center and be close to attractions but my return flight was a bit early so I wanted to be close to the airport. I stayed at the Holiday Inn Express. It was very simple, clean and had the bare necessities. I was not looking for something lav