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Showing posts from February, 2013

My personal Journey challenge

Hey guys, it has been a long time!!! I have been so preoccupied with so many other things that I neglected my blog. It amazing the amount of people that actually asked me why have I stopped blogging. Hmm… well… it did make me happy… *wiggles* NOW!!!!!!! OK, I’m embarking on a quest.. yes, a quest… well a fitness one. It is long overdue and I keep putting it off but each day I realise how much I neglect my health. Sob Story Recently I have been noticing how unfit I have become; little jogs here and there, climbing up several stairs, aftermath would feel like a rhino is sitting on my chest. *Exaggeration* But you get the drift! Sometimes I feel as though my diaphragm is about to explode that is how bad things are! Let’s not even talk about food; I eat everything and anything all the time.   I only hate broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower but everything else I would feast on. (The vegetarians amongst you must be thinking I’m insane) . I struggle to moni