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My personal Journey challenge

Hey guys, it has been a long time!!! I have been so preoccupied with so many other things that I neglected my blog. It amazing the amount of people that actually asked me why have I stopped blogging. Hmm… well… it did make me happy… *wiggles*

OK, I’m embarking on a quest.. yes, a quest… well a fitness one. It is long overdue and I keep putting it off but each day I realise how much I neglect my health.

Sob Story

Recently I have been noticing how unfit I have become; little jogs here and there, climbing up several stairs, aftermath would feel like a rhino is sitting on my chest. *Exaggeration* But you get the drift! Sometimes I feel as though my diaphragm is about to explode that is how bad things are! Let’s not even talk about food; I eat everything and anything all the time.  I only hate broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower but everything else I would feast on. (The vegetarians amongst you must be thinking I’m insane). I struggle to monitor what I eat especially since I have a fast metabolism. I snack all the time. There are always biscuits, sweets, mini edible surprises in my bag.  *hangs head in shame* When I sought for medical advice concerning how to stabilize my metabolism, I was told I must eat 6 meals a day.



Ridiculous right? Yep!

Essentially, I get hungry really quickly; my body just digests food really quickly. So the downside to that now is if I don’t eat large quantities or if I skip meals, I lose weight really quickly. Then I have a tough time putting that weight on.

MYTH- BECAUSE you’re slim people automatically think that you’re healthy and fit and you sleep, bathe and live in some fitness centre in some unknown village. Truth is a lot of the slimmest people are the unhealthiest… *don’t quote me* this is just from what I have noticed unless they are intentionally choosing to eat healthy to sustain a particular weight or size.

In my teens I did dance, gymnastics and so many sports especially because I attending a sports college secondary school. We often traded much of our lunch time breaks to train for athletics. After school netball sessions, not forgetting how the head of P.E would force us into the gym. Sometimes even get into school early for a little session at the gym. *flashback* I even captained the netball team at one point! *laughs at myself* …. It all feels like centuries ago…….

Even when I was younger, growing up with an older brother and surrounded by all my male cousins, we would play wrestling; royal rumble, wrestlemania in the house. I was the smallest and the only girl, I would convince myself I was the Ultimate Warrior but then I would be getting tossed all over the place, and pinned,  I would cry and then when the pain stops join in again! Great times!

At college I continued with netball, but from the age of 18 until now it has been my most unfit years!

So I am undergoing a personal journey to purely get fit!! More healthy food fruits and vegs, more exercising more of the good things!!

Well I want to invite you to my journey; I will try to post as much as possible to measure my progress. Maybe you have been procrastinating as well this might help. You might just want to lose weight, or just your belly or get all henched…muscular.. cut…chiselled maybe some abs whatever words you want to use. JUST GET UP AND GIVE IT A TRY!!

If you have any tips for me send them my way, IM OPEN FOR SUGGESTIONS!

Just to add, do not think I’m starting off with 60k runs or 7days a week gym sessions.. *haahaa that’s a myth* I HAVE A LIFE… *IMAGINE* With the small small stamina I have…hmmm

BABY STEPS! I’m starting out small, working on my schedule and mental preparation. 
Then 1ST of March… it all begins!!


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