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Showing posts from March, 2013


I began my journey today.   It has taken a lot of mental preparation and personal motivation and I have started. I know what I want to achieve and what to sustain. I am not too keen on how my outer appearance looks; my concerns are with my insides! I want to be and feel fit; looking fit if it comes along with the package then it is a bonus. I am not trying to lose weight or get 15pacs and have chunky thighs…   JUST WANT TO BE MORE CAUTIOUS ABOUT MY HEALTH AND WELL-BEING. AEROBIC EXERCISE So the first thing I’m working on is cardio. My heart and lungs are priority. So my focus at the moment is on aerobic exercise (cardio). Aerobic simply means with air or oxygen. Aerobic exercise involves using much muscle for a long duration but with low intensity. Essentially this means that I can use a group of my muscles for longer than 15mins without tiring out as the exercise is not that intense. Examples are: swimming, jogging, cycling and skipping (rope), just to name a few. BEN