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Showing posts from 2013

May the force be with you DAY 9

Hi guys, The journey continues!! I am actually enjoying myself. What began as a fitness journey so I can breathe better has turned into something more. I have arrived at a point of contentment in my spirit, mind and heart. Simply because I decided to perfect and sculpt the temple, this body, which has been given to me. Your perspective changes so much when you put doing good before so many other things! Last year did not end so well for me and at the beginning of this year these petits demons were still following me but FIYAHHHHH *motions hands effectively* they are now dead to me! Cut off excess baggage and people especially those who will not aid your journey to a better you! I tried to be nice to everyone but some people with their deficiencies don't seem to understand! My friend leave them, ungrateful people will have their portion dealt on a plate for them! However for you: Eating good Thinking good Being good Pays off guys!! I'm learning more and more about myself and I&

MAY the force be with you

Hey!!! Month of May challenge! Now this one will be a quick one!! It's crucial to set yourself goals and targets. You need to have a purpose driven life! You have to be greater today than you were yesterday! Life is to be lived, I'm sure we all have dreams, an idea of the future we want to have. You need to realise that today is a glimpse of your tomorrow. If you're lazy today by tomorrow (your future) you'll be even lazier because you've had "the present and the past" to perfect your laziness! Get the drift! Now you know yourself! I want you to join me this month of change! Arise guys, lets work on something we've wanted to change or work on ourselves for a while now! I have loads to work on, a negative person amongst you may be thinking how much change can occur in 30days! Do anything for 3weeks consistently it becomes a habit! It's not about how much change but it's about being a better you! Measure your progress, however be realistic! For m

The slim folks dilemmas.

Since I started going gym, I've noticed something, I think it needs to be addressed! *slim girl STARE* Now, what does that mean? When a slim person (especially a girl) enters the gym people stare at you like... "WHY ARE YOU HERE? YOU'RE ALREADY SKINNY". Then they silently watch you as you select what machines you will use. Every time you look up they look away. BUT WHY? You don't know what people's journey or motives are, just as you qualify to attend so do they. If you like the figure, speak up compliment it won't kill you. If you don't, it's not your body don't carry the unnecessary burden of disliking someone that you don't even know. Continue with the reason you came to the gym for. I personally feel awkward, it's like a sea of eyes just glaring at you! The most daunting 2secs of my life! I'm exaggerating, but I'm sure someone can relate. Even when the fully loaded, ripped, chiseled and cut hench guys are al

Happy 1st month

Hey guys, I've been absolutely busy with life that I've not provided myself enough time to blog! On Monday, it had officially hit 1 month since I had started my fitness regime! How is it going? What happened? Right, I'll be real and honest! IT'S NOT A JOKE!!! But it is really really fun, I'm truly enjoying myself and I keep pushing myself. So in March, the first few days I started off by going swimming. I would swim twice a week. It had been a long time since I had went, but I normally operate with a confident drug (my ego)! So I thought I'm good at swimming it'll be minor. Excuse me! Just after swimming 25m I was out of breath, my heart felt like it was going to explode, my legs were burning.... I thought it was the end of my life.. I had a titanic moment. (No I did not drown) I was standing there hyperventilating after swimming 25m (which is 1 length of the pool). I secretly thought to myself this is not my portion, Yesu! So we all know I'm unfit, terr


I began my journey today.   It has taken a lot of mental preparation and personal motivation and I have started. I know what I want to achieve and what to sustain. I am not too keen on how my outer appearance looks; my concerns are with my insides! I want to be and feel fit; looking fit if it comes along with the package then it is a bonus. I am not trying to lose weight or get 15pacs and have chunky thighs…   JUST WANT TO BE MORE CAUTIOUS ABOUT MY HEALTH AND WELL-BEING. AEROBIC EXERCISE So the first thing I’m working on is cardio. My heart and lungs are priority. So my focus at the moment is on aerobic exercise (cardio). Aerobic simply means with air or oxygen. Aerobic exercise involves using much muscle for a long duration but with low intensity. Essentially this means that I can use a group of my muscles for longer than 15mins without tiring out as the exercise is not that intense. Examples are: swimming, jogging, cycling and skipping (rope), just to name a few. BEN

My personal Journey challenge

Hey guys, it has been a long time!!! I have been so preoccupied with so many other things that I neglected my blog. It amazing the amount of people that actually asked me why have I stopped blogging. Hmm… well… it did make me happy… *wiggles* NOW!!!!!!! OK, I’m embarking on a quest.. yes, a quest… well a fitness one. It is long overdue and I keep putting it off but each day I realise how much I neglect my health. Sob Story Recently I have been noticing how unfit I have become; little jogs here and there, climbing up several stairs, aftermath would feel like a rhino is sitting on my chest. *Exaggeration* But you get the drift! Sometimes I feel as though my diaphragm is about to explode that is how bad things are! Let’s not even talk about food; I eat everything and anything all the time.   I only hate broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower but everything else I would feast on. (The vegetarians amongst you must be thinking I’m insane) . I struggle to moni