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I began my journey today.  It has taken a lot of mental preparation and personal motivation and I have started. I know what I want to achieve and what to sustain. I am not too keen on how my outer appearance looks; my concerns are with my insides! I want to be and feel fit; looking fit if it comes along with the package then it is a bonus. I am not trying to lose weight or get 15pacs and have chunky thighs…  JUST WANT TO BE MORE CAUTIOUS ABOUT MY HEALTH AND WELL-BEING.


So the first thing I’m working on is cardio. My heart and lungs are priority. So my focus at the moment is on aerobic exercise (cardio). Aerobic simply means with air or oxygen. Aerobic exercise involves using much muscle for a long duration but with low intensity. Essentially this means that I can use a group of my muscles for longer than 15mins without tiring out as the exercise is not that intense. Examples are: swimming, jogging, cycling and skipping (rope), just to name a few.


The cardiovascular benefits of aerobic exercise is that it challenges the heart and lungs to use oxygen more efficiently, also it increases the amount of oxygen available to the body because the exercise will demand your heart and lungs to work harder to deliver oxygen to your body, Thus strengthening your heart and lungs.
Which fits in perfectly with me!! I think having a starting point is good, so you know how to measure your progress, and what exactly it is that you’re measuring.

Day 1
Now, I wasn’t going to throw myself in deep and start training recklessly, I’ll burn out and probably hate it, so I thought the best thing to do is start with something I enjoy!!
Swimming!! *wiggles*

My journey began with a swimming session! I love swimming and I haven’t been since about last year summer. I swam for 1 hour 15mins this morning. My schedule is so hectic that I have to be realistic with my training sessions; therefore I will be swimming twice week for 1hour in the morning before going to work. Then stretches minimum of 3 times a week.

When I got in the pool, after 10mins, I was already breathing heavily; my heart and lungs had reached its threshold. *hangs head in shame* I had swam only about 75metres. How sad. Nonetheless that was good I guess because the whole point of aerobic exercise is to reach that target and then sustain it throughout the exercise. This then challenges your heart and lungs. After about 30mins I felt lactic acid build up on my legs and arms, they were aching. I realised that my body/muscles were not getting much oxygen. My muscles started to burn. So I decided to work on some breathing techniques, eventually after about 5-10mins I figured out a method that worked for me (well…only when I did the backstroke) and for free style I slowed down on my stroke. The rest of the session was a breeze! I also skipped with the kipping robe for 15mins when I got home after eating.

What did I learn today?

I think with my metabolism... I need to eat before doing anything. When I got out of the pool I almost fell because I felt so weak… because I was so hungry. I didn’t eat before swimming. So when I got home I had brunch.

I made porridge and I used almond milk instead of my usual blue top milk, trying to be healthy here! I had that with 2 slices of wholemeal bread and plain omelette. I was hungry and I wanted something quick!! I had an apple afterwards. Normally I would have 4 slices of white bread with either butter or jam or both… let me not even begin on that.

from left: oats. almond milk, ready break. I'm a  big kid at heart so i had ready brek instead of the normal oats , purely beacuse I just feel normal oatmeal porridge just makes me chew a lot. the pieces are just far to big for my small self. whereas with ready brek it is a lot more fermented.

New challenge

Anyone who knows me properly will know that I hate TEA…. That drink is the devil’s elixir alongside supermalt. Hate those two drinks with a passion. However as I was doing my research I came to realise that tea is rather essential. So purely because of my health I drank my first cup of tea in donkey years, months, weeks! It was pure green tea! So I got these two to experiment on!

it will be tough but nothing is impossible.

Well that was day one!!

PS. I’ve recruited my older brother, so he will be training with me. We all need a little help and working with someone who I love and have so much fun with will be great and a challenge as we are both very competitive and we will always want to outdo each other.

Wish me well!! The journey continues!

any tips/suggestions
Follow on Twitter: @Perfect_Jem
or just email moi


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