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Recycling is good

We have been bombarded with images of a dying earth and limited resources, it's funny that limited resources is a factor mainly hitting the west whilst with in my beloved Africa they are still discovering and estimating trillions! Study and look into the natural resources within central and Southern Africa, if their wealth combined they could practically feed and maintain the whole world! Yes you may think it's an exaggeration but they are pretty much doing so already. Sadly most of these areas are owned by western corporations. You're seeing wars over oil, soon they'll be fighting over water!

Anyways recycling is good, plastics, paper and glass the lot recycle them. One thing that you should also recycle is your CLOTHES!

One thing that completely baffles me is this notion that an outfit can not be worn twice or after you've taken a picture of it and it's been posted on Social media. You know how crazy and stupid that sounds!

Who reasons like that? Really who sets these ridiculous rules? The past few years social media has pretty much dictated how many of you have lived your lives, social media has taught you and controlled!

Nahhh, the clothes, my clothes that I spent my money on I can't wear them again or I should feel ashamed to wear them again because a few weeks ago I posted a picture of myself in that outfit!

Wana muzoba! (Find a Congolese person to translate that for you!)

Really, how do you rationalise that? The thing is I'm being dramatic as per usual but we really need to question our thinking and actions and rid ourselves of this sheep mentality. Why should you care what strangers think? Well I get it, the Internet has definitely become a cruel place, it can make or break you. Some of the Memes that I've seen i'm just shocked, some I laugh! However that should not take away from anything. Some of you are living for the gram, spending money so strangers validate you.

Yes I know the youtubers and fashionistas out there are living their life and what they have can be super enticing, they are the modern day marketers. If you want your product to sell rapidly send a free sample to them and they'll broadcast it to a million folks in a 5mins video or a picture on Instagram, honestly you can't go wrong with! It's genius and an amazing strategy. However when your postman does not deliver any freebies to your door nor does your salary permit to live as such, why are you killing yourself?

Live within your means.

How do you justify having a luxurious car 3.0L or £600 weave but you don't have bedsheets and your fridge is empty? No electricity, no body soap and you lack the bare necessities. To the world you look like your living the life but in truth you're not.

Some stories I've heard absolutely frighten me. I'm sure most of us have heard them as well, how people put themselves in debt trying to fund a luxury lifestyle that they can't afford. Honestly the easiest thing you can do for yourself is to live within your means, do what you can. Do you know how stress free that is? If you want that expensive life make sure you have the pockets to support and fund it. There is absolutely nothing wrong in looking good, shopping and buying yourself things. Have priorities and sort your responsibilities out first and yes wear your clothes over and over again.

A lot of the time we all shop out of boredom not because we really need something but purely because we like it and want it. Those moments when you see a pair of trainers whilst browsing online or a dress on Asos and you justify buying it because there's free next day delivery! I mean yes it happens we all fall short of the glory to control ourselves sometimes, however it becomes a bit problematic when you're forfeiting charging your electricity key because you want to go get your nails done so you've planned to stay at friends for the weekend to avoid staying where there will be no electricity. Oh I've heard stories! I've been to restaurants and seen people trying to split £10 between the two for a big meal, but why would you do such a thing? Don't you think it'll be easier if you save yourself the stress and lived within your means and done things that your pockets can afford? Things that your pockets can sustain? Why not live within your means?

I'm sure you all have family members even though you all have jobs but for some demonic reason they are always asking you for money....

Wabodam ... Find a Twi- speaking Ghanian to translate!

Where does your money go? Do I work for you and I? People do not like to live within their means. That is one frustration thing I must admit. Yes we all need aid once in a while but I'm sure you can relate when this is a habit for some people.

To be frank no one really cares if you're wealthy or not. You see the mistake people do is put themselves out there, no one asked nor forced you to show us your loubs or LV bags or your Rolex. You did this on your own accord and now you have to keep up appearances, you're absolutely killing yourself. Now if your able to do this at least, fine go ahead, this then really does not apply to you.

It's like people question me, actually throw shade (patronising comments that are made in a pleasant yet delusive sarcastic tone) sometimes about me travelling, "why are you always travelling? What do you do to always travel? You must think you're bad always travelling?"

Sometimes I think why is bothering you? Then my response it pretty simple, it is because I can. I can afford it, if a particular period arises and funds are channelled else where, my size 4 feet stay at home. If you know me my work ethics are crazy, so whenever I can get a chance to rest I'll be in another country not being bothered.

You need to question why do you need to prove to people that you are doing well? Why does your ego charge you so? You'll see a fine handsome guy, wearing the latest designers with a sharp Rolex but in reality he is wearing yesterday's boxers with holes because there's no washing up powder at home. Spending all your money on Mac cosmetics but your fridge has cobwebs. It actually pains me especially when I see people I know living like this and it is not even as though they are poor or broke but the problem is they have their priorities mixed up.

One thing I have resolved in myself is to part ways with this pretentious lifestyle. I'm ok with being simple and low key. My advice is look your best, treat yourself good but just do not do it at the expense of what's important. There's nothing wrong in looking sha-mazing but do not neglect your content and your internal because all these exterior things are vanity, know and understand your priorities and do not forget that the future is possible! Yes live for today but prepare for tomorrow.

Born a legend to leave a legacy.


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